Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ten on Tuesday- E style

E... Hmmm, shouldn't be this hard, right?

1. Elmo. Even tho Cayden isn't totally into him anymore, he has still provided me with a minute or two of silence. Plus, he is just soooo darn cute. (P.S. Have you seen the guy who does Elmo's voice? Google it! You'd be surprised)
2. Eggs. What else would I get the little bug to eat everyday for breakfast?
3. Egg Beaters. Even better (can you say, easy?)!
4. Ebay. Okay, okay... I'm not really that thankful for this because I could live without it, but it has saved me many a money!
5. Email. Easy way to stay in touch with Grandmother's and in-laws! (Oh what am I kidding, I mean easy way for everyone to forwards me junk joke mail!)
6. Espresso. I. Like. Caffeine.
7. Earth. Although it's a beautiful place to stay, I'm glad to know it's not going to be where I spend eternity!
8. Elephants, and the cute noise C makes because of them!
9. Elk. Not a fan of the taste, but love the pride it brings to my grandpa.
10. Elliptical- you know, for that one time I got on one. Heard it's good to tone the buttox.

Updated: My Mom pointed out that I didn't list Etsy. Heeeeeello, what was I thinking?????? So there. Etsy is my #1 choice :) And yes, I am thankful for it!


Karen said...

Wonderful list! Much better than mine.
I'm surprised you didn't list Etsy????
Way to go Belle.

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Funny, I was thinking Etsy when you said ebay... then I got to the bottom.

I googled Kevin Clash (Elmo) oh dear, I would NEVER have guessed!

Maura said...

I LOVE esty!