Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ten on Tuesday- C

This week's Ten on Tuesday is brought to you by the letter C!

1. Cayden! What did I ever do without that little guy?
2. Canned Starbucks! A wee bit cheaper than the real-deal and a must to have on hand!
3. my Car! A simple luxury we take for granted, can you imagine not having one? And for the first time I have a practical car with all the features I need!
4. Cable. Mostly so we can watch Diego and Little Einsteins, but I also appreciate MTV and TLC :)
5. Clumping cat litter.. Quick, but unfortunately still stinky.
6. Cell phone. Ya know, just in case.
7. Chapstick. Preferably Burts Bees. Because we all know how dry it is here in the square state of Colorado.
8. Cookies. Like pumpkin chocolate chip (recipe coming soon!). Helps my craving for sweets!
9. Cabin. The one my grandpa built. Even though we don't make it up there as much as we should, it is always a good, relaxing time when we do!
10. Cage-- For the dog of course! Last night her door didn't get shut all the way and she made her way up to my room around midnight. I decided to let her just sleep with us for once. After jumping on and off the bed about 4 times (she couldn't get comfy) I remembered why she sleeps in there in the first place!


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

ooo, can't wait to try out the cookies!

Anonymous said...

Pumpkin choc chip cookies sound awesome. Can't wait to see the recipe.

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

I have two friends who have children named "Cayden", but neither spell it the same way you do... one spells it with the "C", but without the "Y"; the other with a "K" instead of the "C". It's such a cool name!

I'm addicted to Burt's Bees, too. I bought some for DH for Christmas, and I've already used most of it up!

Confessions From A Working Mom