We have finally decided to try out the toddler bed... again.
A couple months ago, we unknowingly slipped the crib into the guest room, and put our new steal-of-a-craigslist-deal toddler bed in Cayden's room. Who knew he would actually, say, want to get out of bed instead of just fall asleep?
It was about 3 am, on week two that you noticed the lights on in our house, and saw the man re-setting up the crib and out went the toddler bed. And just like that, Cayden was back to his wonderful sleep habits.
Cayden is a little over 26 months and I am pretty sure he would be happy sleeping in a crib for the rest of his life. He likes to put his feet up on the bars, and clank Elmo's eyes on the sides until he falls asleep. If only! I guess if I want to continue with this potty training thing (which is a whole-nother post in itself, he is doing awesomely!) he will need to be able to get out of bed to relieve himself. All part of the process. I think.
Now, we have a pretty solid bedtime routine. Bath, jammies, brush, read, turn lights off, sing a couple songs, place child in crib, and he doesn't make a peep till about 6:30 the next morning.
That is, until the toddler bed came around. Now its bath, jammies, brush, read, turn lights off, sing about 20 songs until angel baby is fast asleep in my arms, place child in "big boy bed" until he makes a peep around 1 am.
I know its a horrible habit I am starting. He knows how to put himself to sleep. But I feel that rocking him is just easier than fighting with him to stay in bed for hours.
A friend of mine suggested the Super Nanny way... every time he comes out of his bed, just put him back in without saying a word. Well, my child is more stubborn than most... It took foreevvvveeeerrrr for him to just stay in bed. Like, over 30 times of patiently putting him back in bed. We did try it for a few nights. Yeah I gave up...... what's it to ya?
So now, rock him to sleep. No, that is not me that you see about 5 years down the road rocking my 7 year old to sleep. Never!
And then after about 4 nights, arose another problem. He decided that he would like to wake the house up around 1 am by saying the saddest/sweetest/tiredest/ "Mommy" a mommy could ever hear. So in I went... He needed a new diaper. And some milk. And someone to sit with him until he fell asleep.
3 nights of interrupted sleep, I finally decided that I am going to stand my ground. I was not equipped with a sippy cup of milk ready to go in the fridge, and I was ready to be Not So Mr. Nice Guy.
And guess what? He slept all night.
We shall see how long that lasts!
Any tips? Can someone please tell me that my child is not the only one who has had a horrible transition??
Exterior Paint Color for Four Gables
3 days ago
I think you are doing just fine and everything right, it's just an adjustment....super nanny also gives coupons to get out of bed and when the coupons are gone they can't get out any more...but of course he would have to be older to understand that concept....love, mom
Ha!! Oh...I hafta say, I've waited as long as I could before we made the move to a big bed! And, usually, it was 'cuz another little one was on the way!
Well, we're done with kiddos...and I'm afraid my baby girl will be sleeping in her crib until she leaves the house.
Good luck!
Amazing the things we find ourselves doing in the middle of the night, isn't it?! Hope the one night trend continues.
We were lucky with our first two with the move to the big kid beds,but we moved early...and I have a feeling doing it with out third won't go as smoothly.
Sam was in his crib until he was 2 1/2 and he has done pretty well with the bed... though if we deviate from his routine at all and then try to put him to bed when he is not tired, it is not fun. Sam has always had sleep issues... it is the worst to deal with it. Things will get better!
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