Friday, January 29, 2010

Five Question Friday!

My Little Life

Happy to report that another week is coming to a close! Not because it wasn't a good week, just looking forward to a weekend up in Denver at the ol' rents!

Join the Friday fun and meet some new friends while you are at it at Mama M's!

1. Would you ever vacation alone?
Ok, Ok.. so this is all circumstantial. Where am I vacationing? If you are talking a vacation away at the spa, then heck yes I would go it alone! If you are talking fly to a far away destination, I would much rather go with someone else. I wouldn't want to dine alone, let alone shop alone!

2. Do you go the speed limit?
Guilty! I am not a huge speed racer, but you know I will go at least 5 over. Bad habit? No. Aggressive? I think so!

3. Why did you start blogging/following blogs?
I started blogging back in November 08.. Because I lived far away from the family and wanted to keep them updated on the little guy! I think I had 4 followers.. My Mom, my Dad, Sister and Sister-in-law! Wish I could remember who I first followed.

4. Where do you shop for yourself?
Target (of course!) is in the lead, closely followed by Forever 21, and Charlotte Rouse because I am in lurve with their jeans!

5. What was the song that you danced your first dance with your spouse to at your wedding...or...what song would you like your first dance to be to?
We danced to Israel Kamakawiwoʻole "Somewhere over the rainbow". Love that song!


Mama M. said...

Oooooh...that is a good song!! Great choice!

Mama M.
My Little Life

Jos said...

I <3 Target. I really really do. I could literally exist in life with a Super Target and nothing else. :)

Emily said...

I <3 Target! I find myself in there at least once a week...its a problem!

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

My best friend from college danced to that song at her wedding! It's a modern-day classic.

I'm surprised you wouldn't want to go shopping alone... I think it's easier that way; fewer voices telling me to put the credit card away!

Confessions From A Working Mom

Megan said...

You followed me you silly goose! lol I helped talk you into blogging now you do so well and I do not cause I bore everyone so who wants to read that? lol!