Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oh, Lion.

As I was catching up on blogs yesterday morning and drinking my morning coffee, I was listening to Cayden playing quietly by himself by his toys. He kept saying "Lion is pooping" "Lion is pooping" and I thought nothing of it... When I glanced over at him, I noticed that there was a mess. A big one. And not just toys all over the floor.

You see, Lion has a small hole on his back. His tail got an owie. So, Lion was pooping. All over my floor.


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

oh my god, this is hilarious! Lion is rather large... and full of it too... LOL!

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

That is SO funny! How clever he is, though!

My daughter loves to help the dog pull the stuffing out of the dog toys... silly kids...

Confessions From A Working Mom

Karen said...

i'll take this kind of poop anyday.
o funny funny cayden....

RaD said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! That's classic!

Megan said...

lol! Well he is one smart cookie. lol I love this had me laughing out loud literally!