Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I apologize that I have been missing for a while...

Sometimes life spins out of control. Sometimes our comfort is shaken to the core. I have such a hard time sitting back and trusting that God is in control sometimes. I have a hard time not asking, why? It takes a true constant reminder that sometimes, although we may not understand or comprehend why things happen, He has a plan and a purpose. It isn't easy and I'm not going to sugar coat it. I am not big on waiting. to. see. what. it. is.

Today, I am uncomfortable. I am confused. I am angry. I am worried. I am tired. But I am still here, and I have not lost hope yet.


Lauren said...

Hang in there girl. Go outside and enjoy the day. The weather is beautiful! Or you can come over for dinner tonight. ;)

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

I am sorry for your struggle, though I am usure what it is. I hope that you can find peace soon.

Karen said...

I love ya belle.

Mommy and Constance said...