Friday, December 11, 2009

So happy it's Friday!


We are home with the sniffles and I am finding all sorts of new blogs! So I am going to join yet another blog hop and join into The (Un)Experienced Mom's Fill in the blank Friday!
Here is this weeks fill in the blank...

The children's show I can't stand is_____________.
But the show I secretly like is _________________.

Do I have to choose only one show? I cannot stand Yo! Gabba Gabba.. Or the Wiggles..
The show that I secretly like is Little Einsteins! It's just so catchy.
What are yours?


Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

I also said Yo Gabba Gabba-- I HATE that show! DJ Lance terrifies me.

I don't catch Little Einsteins often, but I do like them when I see them. I mean, my daughter likes them when she sees them!


The (Un)Experienced Mom said...

Thanks for playing along!!!

I've never seen Little Einsteins actually. I've seen them advertised on our Baby Einstein videos. Maybe I should check them out, though!

And never seen Yo Gabba Gabba. I'm 0 for 2 here!


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

I am so with you on the two that you don't like... and I agree with about littlw einsteins.. the other one that is GREAT is Backyardigans...hands down my favorite :)

Thanks for visiting my blog... and thank you and your husband for what you sacrifice. I mean that whole heartedly. I hope that he is back in your arms in the blink of an eye!