Monday, March 29, 2010

Not Me! Monday

It is definitely not me who has neglected my blog for far too long.. I do not have blog ideas floating around in my head and just not wanted to take the energy to sit and write. I have not spent all my time on Facebook, instead. No way!

It is not me who has left the crock-pot dish sitting in the sink for going on 4 days and I don't just keep switching out the water for fresh. That would be so gross!

It is not my husband who loves to make a stop by Dunkin Doughnuts on the way to church every Sunday to get us Blueberry coffee. I do not BEG him to please exclude me while he is making a decision on whether or not to get a boston cream doughnut and he has not ignored my request for three weeks. I have not caved in and eaten it. DON'T tempt the pregnant lady.

It is not our household who ran out of coffee beans on a Monday morning. This is a perfectly normal way to start the week.  I do not sit here rubbing my eyes, slow to get up and use this as a great excuse (like I need one!) to go to Starbucks instead.

It is not my mother who has held my camera captive until I drive the hour and a half up to her house to get it. I am not a horrible mother who has failed to take one single picture of my child for almost a whole month. I will (not) be documenting our trip to Disney on Ice for said reasons.

Must. Pry. Big (doughnut). Butt. Off. Couch. And. Get. To. Grocery. Store.

Happy Monday!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Last Thursday Mckmama and her husband were in town doing some business at Focus on the Family... they set up a little gathering, so my mom drove down and we got to go together! It was a good time, and afterwords we had a really good time playing at "Wit's End"- could hardly get Cayden to leave! Jennifer is just as genuine as she writes, and I learned that Cayden is only one day older than SmallFry!

Jennifer and I!
Momma, Cayden and I

Group Photo (Stolen off Jennifer's page..hehe!) We are second from the last on the left.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thankful on Tuesday

Week is almost half over.... Daddy is almost home from the field.. Mommy is so looking forward to that... Today's weather was nice enough to go to the park. Yippee!!!!

Ten things I'm thankful for- starting with the letter G.

#1. Grace- how awesome that we serve a God who has such great mercy on us??

#2. Google. My most used search engine, plenty o' times a day.

#3. Grammer class-"Let's eat Grandma" vs. "Let's eat, Grandma". Punctuation saves lives (love this).

#4.  Gynecologist- ok, ok... but think about this one- what if we didn't have this specialty and we really needed to see one??

#5. Good friends- how about best friends?

#6. Garlic- the smell will always bring my back to my Grandpa's cooking.

#7. Grills- as in BBQ (although for thee mouth is quite neat too, haha!). Can't wait for summer BBQs!!!

#8. Green chili- Not many people have heard of this. You are missing out BIG time. Slow roasted.... mmmm.. I have been craving this like no other lately (and can't seem to find any in this town, going to make my own this weekend). My "Weenie's", Moms, Uncle Jim's, husbands and Uncle Victor's are my absolute favorite....

#9. Grandpas.. I seriously cannot imagine what my life would be like without them. My Grandpa Chuck lost his battle to cancer and I can't wait to see him in heaven again. My Grandpa Lloyd is 86 and one amazing man- still hunts, golfs, he seriously does it all. My "Pompa" has a huge heart and adores his Great-grandchildren and can have a conversation with my husband for hours telling stories of his life in the military.

#10. Grandmothers- very most important. I have been blessed to know all 3 of my Grandmas and until recently, grew up with all 3. Cayden adores both of his Grandma's so much and even has three-great Grandmother's that love on him!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Not My Child! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It was not my child who got a little sick this last week and threw up all over the (new car smell) seat of the car. I did not pull him out and let him continue to throw up all over the parking lot of my very favorite kid's consignment store. I did not consider running in the store and ask for some paper towels or a plastic bag or something, and instead put C back in the car and drive away.. I did not leave a big mess.

It is not my child who has continued to wake up numerous times in the middle of the night. He does not come into my room to get me, and I do not run downstairs to get him milk and sit with him until he falls asleep. This is not getting more and more frequent every night, and I am not starting any bad habits. I do not think it is easier to just put him back to sleep, rather than fight him. I am not counting down the hours until Daddy comes home from the field.

It was not my child who, while finger painting, had to wash his hands every couple of minutes because he was grossed out. He is not related to my brother or my sister.

What have you not done this week?