It is definitely not me who has neglected my blog for far too long.. I do not have blog ideas floating around in my head and just not wanted to take the energy to sit and write. I have not spent all my time on Facebook, instead. No way!
It is not me who has left the crock-pot dish sitting in the sink for going on 4 days and I don't just keep switching out the water for fresh. That would be so gross!
It is not my husband who loves to make a stop by Dunkin Doughnuts on the way to church every Sunday to get us Blueberry coffee. I do not BEG him to please exclude me while he is making a decision on whether or not to get a boston cream doughnut and he has not ignored my request for three weeks. I have not caved in and eaten it. DON'T tempt the pregnant lady.
It is not our household who ran out of coffee beans on a Monday morning. This is a perfectly normal way to start the week. I do not sit here rubbing my eyes, slow to get up and use this as a great excuse (like I need one!) to go to Starbucks instead.
It is not my mother who has held my camera captive until I drive the hour and a half up to her house to get it. I am not a horrible mother who has failed to take one single picture of my child for almost a whole month. I will (not) be documenting our trip to Disney on Ice for said reasons.
Must. Pry. Big (doughnut). Butt. Off. Couch. And. Get. To. Grocery. Store.
Happy Monday!