Let me introduce you to the new man in my life...
Asher made his appearance two weeks early as a healthy 7lb 13.5oz big boy!
I thought I was suffering from a stomachache for the day, thinking nothing of it. As I sat at a Scentsy party, it seemed that my stomachache was getting worse. I called my Mom as I left, eager to head to the nearest Arby's drive-thru. My smart Mother said, "Maybe you should time this stomachache?".. I quickly hung up, waiting for the next stomachache to hit. Almost 40 seconds long, 5 minutes since the last one. I called Mom back, who was in the middle of a date with my Dad.. "Maybe you should just be on call tonight?"
Cayden and I headed home to eat our roast beef sandwiches. Drink some water. Relax!
Then, called my Mom back.. Ugh, I think this may be it? But I'm going to feel really stupid if you come down and it's nothing! My mom lives about an hour and 40 minutes away. My SIL saved the day and also said she would head down in case we needed someone to hang out with Cayden, you know.. Just in case?
They both showed up after Cayden was bathed and sound asleep in bed.. Time was now close to 9:30pm Friday night. I jumped in the shower real quick.. Made sure everything was packed.. Oh yeah, had to pay a few bills online before they were late (it was the 1st of the month afterall!).
This indeed was not a stomachache, but labor. In my defense, I suffer from back labor, so it was more in my behind (ah hem) than uterus (I'll spare you).
At this point, my cramps are now close to 2.5 minutes apart. Perhaps we should head to the hospital now?
They hook me up and determine I am 4cm, 100% effaced. Woo hoo, I was admitted!
Once I am clothed in the adorning way-too-thin-hospital gown, in comes anesthesiologist (halleluia!). At this point, I still feel ok.. So tell her to come back in an hour or so. She gives me a not so certain look and it's then I realize it's now or never. My "strong" Mother-slash-birth-coach holds onto me tightly, until we deem that she is not so into needles and "weird hospital smells". Good distraction from the 4inch needle now residing in my spine.
As it did with Cayden's birth, the medicine is pumped in, and my heartrate drops. My nurse yells out in the hall that she needs help, in comes 2 doctors and 3 more nurses. It is still a little blurry to me, but I know even with no feeling to my legs, I was using all my might to flip from side to side. Asher was in distress for what felt like 10 minutes, but I am not really sure how long it was. All I know is not hearing that beeping noise on the machines was terrifying. I just kept cheering him on. Come on, Asher... Come on buddy.
Praise God, they found a spot he likes and now his heartrate is back to normal. You could bet that I was not about to move from that spot he liked. No way.
The epidural was now already wearing off, and my dear anesthesiologist was off with someone else in an emergency c-section. At this point I needed to roll on my other side, while gripping my bed in agony. In comes the doctor on call for the night, Major Morgan. She checks me, and as she does I have the worst contraction yet, to which she calls out; "We're having a baby!".
Some where during this contraction, my Mom sets the camcorder in the corner on record, anesthelogist pumps some more medicine in my catheter, the bed cuts in half, bright lights are shone, and I am indeed having a baby...
Three pushes, that was it! I pushed for three hours with Cayden.. This is cake! 2:23am. October 2nd.
They hand me my new love... He is quite purple and not crying, I kiss him really fast before he is wisked off to the NICU.
Finally around 4am, they bring him in. They say he had a lot of fluid in his lungs and stomach, but made a fast recovery. No one prepares you for that feeling you feel when you first meet your child-- the one you have cherished and loved on for the last 9 months, meeting them in the flesh.
Asher is now 2.5 months. Daddy will be home next month to meet him.
He is such a sweet baby.. He loves nothing more than snuggling up to your neck. His smile is perfect. He is finally starting to sleep a bit more in the night. I'll save the whole adjustment to two on my own in another post.
Exterior Paint Color for Four Gables
3 days ago
What a wonderful birth story! I'm glad Asher is okay! He is beautiful! Congrats!
So that's where you've been! :)
Congratulations! It is so great that you have recorded his birth story. I had all of my children before blogging and wrote their stories down but now can't find them. And as they get older, details get fuzzier. So I wish I had kept better track!
Another blog that I follow is authored by a pregnant mom whose husband is deployed right now. Here's her link in case you were looking for something to do in your spare time. :)
I will also send her your way. You might be able to encourage one another.
You made me get all teary eyed :)
Oh my goodness!! He is beautiful!! Congratulations!
My labor was similar with my second-- very short.
So glad that he is healthy and happy!
I hope Daddy returns soon to be with his gorgeous family!
Congratulations. He is beautiful!
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