Thursday, December 16, 2010

Happy December

Tis' the middle of December, and all through the Jones house, all the creatures were stirring, even the mouse (that I am positive resides down in the crawl space).  Toy Story 3 was singing, the heater was purring, the dryer was humming, even the dog was snoring.. The Littlest sits patiently, adoring his Momma, as the Elder quotes Mister Doctor Evil Porkchop with a huge grin on his face. The Momma eats a piece of chocolate, sipping her tea, looking over the babies, making sure all is well and tummies are full.. Snow quietly falls outside the window where the Christmas tree glows.  The Daddy sleeps soundly too far from home, in his room made of plywood- snuggled in blankets, dreaming of the day when life is back to normal.
No where to be, not much to be done..


Unknown said...

Sounds like a lovely day. Except for the husband being away part. We also play Evil Doctor Pork Chop at our house frequently. :)

Karen said...

hehe. that was beautiful belle.

Our little family said...

Almost made me cry!